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Ragnarok Online - Easy Macro for Dummies - Ultimate Macro 2016

OUTDATED - Check New Thread HERE
Wassup folks, this is a long overdue program, since Ragnarok is super old already...
- It is 2016 already, wouldn't it be nice if Ragnarok have smart-cast option like League of Legends ?

Making macro is now made easy, even if you don't know Autohotkey.

Features :
  • Single Macro --- Looping SEND, CLICK (optional) until button is release.
  • Chain Macro --- Looping SEND a series of keys with optional CLICK until button is release. 
  • Custom delays
How does it work ?
This is a simple AUTOHOTKEY script that read the keys inside the ROSC.ini and make it a hotkey

How To ?
It is as easy as writing down the hotkey name.

Note : 
- There are 2 Send Modes for hotkey :
Take F3 for example
  • Normal Mode--- Loop ( PRESS BUTTON -> CLICK -> WAIT )
  • Usable Mode--- Loop ( PRESS BUTTON -> WAIT ) - For potion use, or self-cast skill that require no click.
    "F3,u" <--- put ',u' after the hotkey to use 'Usable Mode'.

-How to make a Single Macro:
For this example, lets make the button F3 a macro.
  1. Open 'ROSC.ini'
  2. Start a new line, type in F3
  3. Save, and run ROSC.exe
 - This will make the button F3 a macro.
that means when F3 is pressed down, it will continuously send F3 -> Click until F3 is release.


-How to make a Chain Macro:
For this example, lets make a chain combo macro that repeat
 F1 -> F2 -> F1 -> F3-Click when F1 is down.
  1. Open 'ROSC.ini'
  2. Start a new line, type F1=F1,170,u|F2,170,u|F1,170,u|F3,250
  3. Save, and run ROSC.exe
  • When F1 is press
  • Send F1 with "usable send mode" -> sleep 170
  • Send F2 with "usable send mode" -> sleep 170
  • Send F1 with "usable send mode" -> sleep 170
  • Send F3 with normal mode, which is SEND -> CLICK -> Sleep 250

- The syntax is <Trigger Hotkey>=<Hotkey1>,<Sleep>|<Hotkey2>,<Sleep>|<Hotkey3>,<Sleep>|.....

IMPORTANT ----------------
The FIRST FOUR LINES of the 'ROSC.ini' file MUST be :

  • Macro Skill Delay ( in millisecond, 1000 millisecond = 1 second )
  • Macro Usable Delay ( for hotkey with ",u" next to it )
  • Pause Hotkey - for chatting ( to change hotkey, see Hotkey)
  • Exit Hotkey - Just in case the script get stuck
ROSC.ini examples
120      // SPEED : Skill Delay (in millisecond)
100      // SPEED : Usable Delay (in millisecond)
!p       // Alt + P ; Pause Script Hotkey
!Esc     // Alt + Esc ; Exit Hotkey
         // "//" = comment start
         // Empty lines will be ignore
//s      // Put '//' in front to disable a hotkey
z        // Hotkey Z, Use Z and CLick
a,u      // ",u" for usable, for Spamming pots without click
//x,u    // Anything behind '//' will be ignore

Leave a comment/thanks or share with your friends if this helped you !


  1. can you add multiple chain macros? ie if F1 is pressed then it executes the first line, if F2 is pressed it executes the second line..... and so on.
    i tried to do it and it only chooses to do the last line entered in the ROSC.ini

    1. also, what would be the code if say when F1 pressed, then F2 and F3 is held down while F4 is continuously clicked at defined millisecond.

    2. Multiple chain macros, I'm sorry that was a bug. Thank you for letting me know.

      And about "when F1 pressed, then F2 and F3 is held down while F4 is continuously clicked at defined millisecond."

      This is just a simple chain macro, if you want to make a more complicate macro. Try to write Autohotkey your own script at https://autohotkey.com/
      - I can help you write one !

    3. The bug is fixed, multiple chain macro can now be use. Thank you.

    4. omg thanks for that, it works. One more question, what would be the hotkey name for left and right mouse button click. and what about the control key? is it just "ctrl"?
      uve probably figured out by now that I am not using it for RO lol

    5. Yes, hahaha. Would be a bit selfish to only use it for RO.

      Right mouse : RButton
      Left mouse : LButton
      Middle Mouse : MButton

      Ctrl is fine but you can be more specific:

      Left control : LCtrl
      Right control : RCtrl

  2. i can use it without any problem, but my friends cant use it, why ? thx before

  3. What's your operating system? Does your server has Gepard ?

  4. Hi!
    Can i use shift+5 as a hotkey ? I was trying to make a macro that when i use F9 it'd do shift+5 then f9 then shift+4, never managed to make it work though but i kinda suck at writing those things XD

    Its to swap gear then use a skill and switch gear again, i suppose i could always map the gear to an f key though

    1. Well i managed to make it work but i changed the gear and skill to 1-9 keys, if theres a way to make it work with shift+1-9 let me know XD

    2. Sorry, this is just for basic macro :D
      for a more complicate macro, try Autohotkey.

  5. sir , why is it i cannot spam bolt and frost diver on chain macro . still long delay

    been using this code F3=F3,1|F5,1

    F3 cold bolt and f5 frost diver

  6. Is 1 / 1000 is enough time for Cold Bolt to cast ?
    The delay time is too quick.
    Try replace 1 to 250 and keep increasing till you get your result. good luck :)

  7. Appreciate this wonderful executable.

    Thank you.

    1. Your appreciation keeps me motivate, so THANK YOU!!

  8. Does this program can run in GePard?

    1. Sorry , Gepard blocks input from Autohotkey scripts . Most game guards will block it, harmony, gepard, etc

  9. so cant be use in gepard game guard?

  10. Hi, I am actually using a laptop and since it is a laptop I will not be able to use the F1 to F12. Q:> Is there any chance for me to use this Macro if I will use the 1 to 9 keys?

    Thank you so much

    1. just replace the F1 - F12 to your desired hotkeys in the .ini file

  11. Hey, why won't my F3 auto click?

    1. I downloaded the ROSC.ini but when I hold F3 it doesn't auto click.

    2. Check if your F3 is in usable mode.

  12. This is cool for champion character.
    i was tried as per above for asura. however , may i ask. how to make double asura in 1 time press the f1? is it have any examples?

    1. Yes.
      So for example, one asura is.
      F1= Collect Spirit -> Critical Explosion -> collect spirit -> asura

      So double asura in one press of a button is

      F1 = collect spirit -> critical explosive -> collect spirit -> asura -> ygg -> collect spirit -> critical explosive -> asura

  13. Can i ask what is the best skill delay script for a huge spamming using Double Strife, Brandish Spear and Bowling Bash? It should be above 120 or below 120?

    Thank you.

  14. sir how about numbers on the numpad?

  15. F1- F9 works and spams keys, but it doesn't click. Any idea how to fix this?

    1. Same.

      One day it managed to work but the rest of the days it doesn't click and have to manually cick

  16. Does this work on gepard 2.0?

  17. is there a way to bypass gepard?

  18. It Doesn't Click when I press any Hotkey

  19. can anyone teach me how to setup this macro to auto storm gust my wizard. Thank you.

  20. Same here need help for wiz skill, btw I'm using windows 10 OS.

  21. hi there, is there any macro that execute the raganrok menu, like the change character and then re enter again???

  22. Its not working on my champion, I've follow all the instruction and samples above but still its not working on me. please help me. please give me a sample script for champion. thank you in advance

  23. How to use it on priest? holy light spam. ty

  24. for the soul linker skills please, i dont know how make this, i want stun click--->esma click

  25. Does this work on Windows 10? And a ragnarok with gepard shield?

  26. This macro is awsome and I can already find a TON of uses from farming to leveling. I'm currently playing at roph restart server and just wondering if this is working our server. Thank you!

  27. Do anyone find any way to it works with gepard?????? please!

  28. is there a command to use Shift+F1 to spam a skill? i want to use it for PVP during MVPs

  29. Hello,

    I tried downloading and just simply copying the loop but it doesn't work. Is this program still okay? I'm a SsinX bolter and I switch items (ice falchion to Elemental Sword right after the cold bolt skill has been released)

    F1 then left click then a quick switch to Elemental sword F2 and F3 to switch back to Ice Falchion
    - This is what I did https://prnt.sc/ourmbv

    Click save but I noticed that unlike on your video where you just ran the ROSC.exe as an admin there's no icon on my end or on the folder https://prnt.sc/ourmsp so i tried extracting it on my desktop but I only get this https://prnt.sc/ouro7f

    Hope you can help me out.


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